Wakai Tsubame (若いツバメ - Toy Boy)

Feb 18, 2018 16:07
We sometimes refers to a young man who is a lover with older woman as 若いツバメ (wakai tsubame).

若い (wakai) means "young" and ツバメ means "swallow," so the literal meaning of "wakai tsubame" is "young swallow."

This term comes from a romantic relationship between Raicho Hiratsuka, a pioneering Japanese feminist, and Hiroshi Okumura, a young artist.

Okumura called Hiratsuka "wakai tsubame" or 弟 (otouto - younger brother).

However, this relationship was not good for Hiratsuka's activity that insists women's liberation.

For this reason, Hiratsuka decided to break up with Okumura, and sent a message something like "a young swallow flies away for the peace of a pond."

This words became famous, and "wakai tsubame" came to have the current meaning.


「若い」は "young," 「ツバメ」は "swallow" を意味するので、「若いツバメ」の文字通りの意味は "young swallow" です。





No. 1 Riko's correction
  • We sometimes refers to a young man who is a lover with older woman as 若いツバメ (wakai tsubame).
  • We sometimes refers to a young man whose lover is an older woman as 若いツバメ (wakai tsubame).
  • This term comes from a romantic relationship between Raicho Hiratsuka, a pioneering Japanese feminist, and Hiroshi Okumura, a young artist.
  • This term comes from a romantic relationship between Raicho Hiratsuka, a pioneering Japanese feminist, and Hiroshi Okumura, a young artist.
     The better choice may be "originates from"
  • However, this relationship was not good for Hiratsuka's activity that insists women's liberation.
  • However, their relationship did not go well with Hiratsuka's involvement with the women's liberation movement.
     The best option would be to use "conflicted with" instead of "did not go well with", but I feel that "did not go well with" may be a closer translation. "Not good for" is understandable as well but is not as natural.
  • For this reason, Hiratsuka decided to break up with Okumura, and sent a message something like "a young swallow flies away for the peace of a pond."
  • For this reason, Hiratsuka decided to break up with Okumura, and sent her a message reading, "a young swallow flies away for the peace of a pond."
  • This words became famous, and "wakai tsubame" came to have the current meaning.
  • These words became famous, and "wakai tsubame" came to have it's current meaning.
  • These words became famous, and "wakai tsubame" came to have it's current meaning.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)

I have a question. I think that "its" should have been used instead of "it's" in the last sentence. Is this thought right?
Oops! You're right. It should be "its". Thanks for catching my mistake.
I understand well, thank you again! :)
No. 2 Ayman's correction
  • 若い (wakai) means "young" and ツバメ means "swallow," so the literal meaning of "wakai tsubame" is "young swallow."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Okumura called Hiratsuka "wakai tsubame" or 弟 (otouto - younger brother).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • For this reason, Hiratsuka decided to break up with Okumura, and sent a message something like "a young swallow flies away for the peace of a pond."
  • For this reason, Hiratsuka decided to break up with Okumura, and sent him a message saying something like "A young swallow flies away for the peace of a pond."
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
No. 3 outdoors's correction
  • Wakai Tsubame (若いツバメ - Toy Boy)
  • Wakai Tsubame (若いツバメ - Boy Toy)
Thank you so much for the correction!